Dear GBIF helpdesk,
I am publishing some datasets on an IPT server (1.0-RC3-SNAPSHOT) for the Swedish GBIF node. There are some problems with the mapping or publishing the following fields:
VerbatimCollectingDate ---
EarliestDateCollected ---
StartTimeOfDay ---
YearSampled ---
MonthOfYear ---
DayOfMonth ---
Collector ---
For example catalogNumber 38922 ( puiblished at:
has values for all of the above fields in the datasource (a MySql database) but none of them are presenteded by IPT. When I click “Annotations” for the
resource there are no problems shown, and I get no clues from the tomcat log file (catalina.out).
This is the data from the data source:
catalogNumber | collector | earliestDateCollected | verbatimCollectingDate | startDayOfYear | endDayOfYear | eventTime | yearSampled | monthOfYear | dayOfYear |
38922 | Åhlander, E et al. | 1990-04-04 | 4 and 12 Apr 1990 | 94 | 102 | 10:00:00 | 1990 | 4 | 4 |
What could be causing this problem?
Best regards,
Jens Rathsman, System developper
GBIF Sweden -
tel: +46 8 5195 5116
Swedish Museum of Natural History - Box 50007
SE-104 05 Stockholm