Hi all, Some notes on my recent effort to get IPT running on RHEL- at minimum they'll help me remember howto repeat this for real in the future. Special thanks to Tim for the very speedy help. One quick question now- if I configure everything is it easy to save the configuration file, then wipe the install, then toss the config back in? Cheers, Matt --- Running RHEL (Realm Linux flavour), see http://www.linux.ncsu.edu/realm_linux/. Did (all) this as a su. Yum installed packages of note (I'm not sure if these were all required or not, it's just the overall configuration): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.x86_64 java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel.x86_64 java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64 java_cup.x86_64 xalan-j2.x86_64 xalan-j2-xsltc.x86_64 xerces-j2.x86_64 xerces-j2-scripts.x86_64 tomcat5.x86_64 tomcat5-common-lib.x86_64 tomcat5-jasper.x86_64 tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api.x86_64 tomcat5-server-lib.x86_64 tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.x86_64 tomcat5-webapps.x86_64 I answered y to all the dependency questions on yum installs. It took me a bit to figure out that the the webapps folder linked at /usr/share/tomcat5/webapps or /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps After cding there I grabbed the files wget http://gbif-providertoolkit.googlecode.com/files/ipt-2.0-SNAPSHOT-r2482.war wget http://gbif-providertoolkit.googlecode.com/files/ipt-geoserver-1.0-RC3.zip Then I chowned/chgrped them to user 'tomcat' and did 'service tomcat5 restart'. After you hit http://your.site.com:8080/ipt-2.0-SNAPSHOT-r2482 you'll have a ipt-2.0-SNAPSHOT-r2482 folder back in webapps. Went there, and edited webapps/ipt/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml changing the log lines to: <param name="file" value="/tmp/debug.log "/> <param name="file" value="/tmp/admin.log "/> Note that the Issue 451 fix describing this problem doesn't include the slash preceding tmp in the steps body but the attached file does (the latter is correct). The last trick was to: cd /var/lib/tomcat5/common/endorsed and do a number of "rebuild-jar-repository" rebuild-jar-repository /var/lib/tomcat5/common/endorsed xalan-j2-serializer.jar rebuild-jar-repository /var/lib/tomcat5/common/endorsed xalan-j2.jar rebuild-jar-repository /var/lib/tomcat5/common/endorsed xerces-j2.jar ... and some others The end product of the endorsed folder looks like this: [jaxp_parser_impl].jar -> /usr/share/java/jaxp_parser_impl.jar [xalan-j2-2.7.0].jar -> /usr/share/java/xalan-j2-2.7.0.jar [xalan-j2].jar -> /usr/share/java/xalan-j2.jar [xalan-j2-serializer].jar -> /usr/share/java/xalan-j2-serializer.jar [xerces-j2-2.7.1].jar -> /usr/share/java/xerces-j2-2.7.1.jar [xerces-j2].jar -> /usr/share/java/xerces-j2.jar [xml-commons-apis].jar -> /usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis.jar The xalan-j2-serializer.jar was definitely needed as including this link ultimately resolved the problem. I'm not sure which others were required. After all this (and at various points in the debugging) a "service tomcat5 restart" and the site was live.