Hi Hanna, The DEMO site for IPT LITE is at: http://ipt-lite.gbif.org/index.html There is an OLD compile of the IPT LITE from the Google Code site (September 15, 2009) http://gbif-providertoolkit.googlecode.com/files/gbif-ipt-lite-1.0RC2.war I did not test this LITE version myself. But I expect that this LITE version is much less demanding regarding memory. The LITE will only provide a tool to generate the Darwin Core text Archive (DwC-A) and not provide the visual display of your datasets. See also the Google Code Issue 254: Revive IPT lite to be build via war overlay based on the regular IPT. "IPT lite is a stripped down IPT that does share 99% of IPT code base, but removes the entire portal, webservices and even the database storing dwc records. It is only meant for creating dwc archives as efficient as possible and authoring metadata about the resource. Good for large datasets and a hosting environment." http://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/issues/detail?id=254 I believe that you will build a recent version of the IPT LITE together with the standard IPT if you download the source code (SVN checkout) and build this with for example Maven. BUT it is probably much easier for you to download the GBIF IPT LITE 1.0 RC2 to start testing this version of the toolkit... The Darwin Core Google Code project includes a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) reader (dwc-archive-1.0.jar, dwca-reader-1.0.jar). I am not sure how (if at all) these relates to the IPT LITE. But perhaps worthwhile to test as well? http://code.google.com/p/darwincore/downloads/list I have no hands-on experiences with the LITE version so I copy my reply to the IPT mailing list to see if we can catch any remarks for others more experienced with this LITE version. Cheers Dag Terje _____ From: Hanna Koivula [mailto:hanna.koivula@helsinki.fi] To: dag.endresen@nordgen.org Sent: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:48:26 +0100 Subject: IPT-lite in Google code? Hi Dag! It was nice to meet you in Alikante! I’ll try to get some pics from the Castillo to the community site… You mentioned that you have commented how to make IPT Lite on the Google code platform. Can you guide me where to find that? I think our developers would love to try that out, since our Metacat installation is not proceeding and they need to get the metadata out in public somehow… Best wishes, Hanna ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Hanna Koivula Data Manager Finnish Museum of Natural History 000014 Helsinki University http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/english/ tel. +358 50 4154850 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*