Hi, Can you please help us solve the following issues? Derek is using the USGS IPT installation at http://bison.ornl.gov/ipt (Version 2.0.2-r3306) Thanks! Giri From: Derek Masaki The zip file upload to the IPT was not successful. I was able to zip the csv to an acceptable size and added it to the resource, however the file appears unreadable. See screen capture below [cid:part1.05060404.05000600@usgs.gov] -- From: Derek Masaki Subject: IPT Max File Size Limit Hello, Ran into this error in attempting upload of MARIS - screenshot image below. This is a 1million record dataset. The file size limit on the IPT appears to be set at 100mb. I'm going to run compression to create a zip archive as it appears that IPT may be able to handle a zip file. Is there any way to increase the file size limit? Thanks, -derek [cid:image001.png@01CDA863.F439CDB0] -- Derek Masaki U.S. Geological Survey Biological Data Manager - Core Science Analytics and Synthesis Geospatial Liaison - National Geospatial Program 310 W Kaahumanu Ave, Kahului HI 96732 Ph 808-358-2497 dmasaki@usgs.gov<mailto:dmasaki@usgs.gov>