David, no, this is not possible. The IPT 2 removed all its internal database and querying API in favor of simplicity and far more performance. What I believe Tim meant was there are *other* existing tools like digir and biocase that allow you to do so if that is needed. We are working on a new gbif data portal and also be a richer and simpler API to query for records with more filter options. So this might ultimately address your problem best. But its unlikely that this API will be available before the end of the year I am afraid. Best, Markus On Feb 9, 2011, at 11:25, Herbario SANT wrote:
Thanks again Tim
When you say "there are tools that do ad hoc querying", what tools are you referring to? You meant querying IPT as well? Is there a page summarizing them?
I meant something equivalent to digir/tapirlink client interfaces, so that a developer can use them to launch direct queries to an IPT provider, the way it was possible to query a digir/tapirlink provider?
A real example: query a provider and filter using StateProvince DwC field and get access even to the latest added data even if these are still not available at gbif.org data portals? This is something we used to do with digir but we can't do using gbif.org data portal (StateProvince is not one of the filtering options).
I know StateProvince is not a very standardised concept so different providers use not the same way when referring to the same territory. But as a developer, I can know all those different ways (for a certain StateProvince of my interest) and create a web page that shows data from some specific data providers (those I know to hold many records from this StateProvince). How do I adapt my digir/tapirlink based web portal when I know that one of the providers of my interest is gonna change from digir to IPT.
Thanks in advance David
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 4:52 AM, Tim Robertson <timrobertson100@gmail.com> wrote:
You are correct in understanding the IPT 2.0, in that it does not support ad-hoc querying. (...) There are tools that do ad hoc querying so perhaps it is not the best direction for the IPT,
-- David García San León Herbario SANT Facultade de Farmacia - Laboratorio de Botánica Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 15782 - Galicia (Spain) http://www.usc.es/herbario Tel. +34 881815022 Fax +34 981594912