Hi Tero, 

It's nice that we might be on the verge of solving this now..

When you have this working, I recommend an upgrade from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3. The upgrade is relatively painless. 

To do so, 

a) back up your current data directory to somewhere safe
b) download the 2.0.3 war file, and rename it to ipt.war
c) stop tomcat, remove ipt/ and ipt.war from the tomcat webapps folder, and add the new ipt.war file
d) start tomcat, and open up the IPT in a browser
e) presented with the 1st setup page, enter the location of your existing data directory
f) press continue to proceed, then visit the Administration page and press the button "Publish all resources" (this may take a few moments as it will republish all resources. 

Caution: There is a known bug with the upgrade where a taxonomic resources switches to type occurrence. I know that you have purely occurrence resources, but if this switch happens, just try the upgrade again but de-select the subtype (and be sure to save) for each resource before going through the steps. 

Best of luck,

On Mar 9, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Tim Robertson [GBIF] wrote:

This looks like you are hitting this Tomcat6 / OpenSUSE bug:

Can you please try the suggested fix?


On Mar 9, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Tero Mononen wrote:

Only very minor updates from openSUSE to tomcat6 and kernel 2.6.34.
Tomcat from version 6.0.24-5.14.1 to version 6.0.24-5.16.1.
Kernel ->
From: Tim Robertson [GBIF] [mailto:trobertson@gbif.org] 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 12:48 PM
To: Tero Mononen
Cc: Kyle Braak [GBIF]; ipt@lists.gbif.org
Subject: Re: [IPT] All space-characters in metadata are replaced to plus-character
We have tested many browsers on Windows and Linux. I think the reproduction is hard because it did work on our system well and then something weird happened causing this…
Hi Tero,
What changed between it working well, and then this happening please?  OS upgrades, OS changes, Tomcat upgrades, Java updates etc
The *good* news is the IPT still works - the EML is correct when accessed through Tomcat.  Of course we want to fix the direct file access route, but the IPT is operating correctly through the IPT interface (e.g. http://db.digitarium.fi:8080/ipt/eml.do?r=nylander is correct )

From: Kyle Braak [GBIF] [mailto:kbraak@gbif.org] 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 11:54 AM
To: Tero Mononen
Cc: ipt@lists.gbif.org; Tim Robertson [GBIF]
Subject: Re: [IPT] All space-characters in metadata are replaced to plus-character
Dear Tero, 
Can I kindly ask you to fill in a bug report on the IPT Project Site: http://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/issues/entry
In addition to the IPT version, Java version, and Tomcat version, can you also specify the Operating System you are using (with version), as well as the browser  (with version) that you are using to fill in the metadata? Out of curiosity, have you tried entering metadata through different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE)? 
This will help us try and reproduce the problem ourselves so that if there is something wrong with the application we can fix it ASAP.
Thanks a lot,
On Mar 9, 2012, at 10:40 AM, Tim Robertson [GBIF] wrote:

Thanks Tero
Very curious indeed.  The single input fields are represented with + but the description field which is a Textarea on the form is not.
We'll look more into it.
On Mar 9, 2012, at 10:15 AM, Tero Mononen wrote:


There is the original eml.xml. Is that the only file you are interested in?


On 03/09/2012 11:05 AM, Tim Robertson [GBIF] wrote:
Hi Tero,
How very strange.
Given this is public anyway (http://db.digitarium.fi:8080/ipt/eml.do?r=nylander) would you mind attaching the file from the filesystem please?  I'd like to look at the file encoding etc.
On Mar 9, 2012, at 9:44 AM, Tero Mononen wrote:

Dear Tim,
There’s only public example (Title: William+Nylander+lichen+collection):
It’s interesting, eml.xml on file system contains line:
<title xml:lang="eng">William+Nylander+lichen+collection</title>
But eml via IPT/Tomcat offers line:
<title xml:lang="eng">William Nylander lichen collection</title>
It’s pure Tomcat without proxies.
Tero Mononen
From: Tim Robertson [GBIF] [mailto:trobertson@gbif.org] 
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 10:37 AM
To: Tero Mononen
Cc: ipt@lists.gbif.org
Subject: Re: [IPT] All space-characters in metadata are replaced to plus-character
Dear Tero,
Could you please provide a link to an example file?  We'll investigate, but this is not a behavior I have ever seen with a Tomcat application.
Do you run any proxies or mod_jk or anything like that?
On Mar 9, 2012, at 9:35 AM, Tero Mononen wrote:

We have used this IPT-setup without any problems till now.
Version 2.0.2-r3306
Apache Tomcat/6.0.24
JVM 1.6.0_29-b1
All space-characters in metadata are replaced to plus-character. For example title “foo bar car” is saved as “foo+bar+car”. It affects in every text field in metadata.
If I include at least one plus-char in a text value, it prevents the space replacement. For example “foo bar car+dar” is saved as it is.
I think this is related to Java/Tomcat/urlencode. Do you have suggestions how to fix this problem?
Best Regards,
Tero Mononen
Digitisation Centre of the Finnish Museum of Natural History and the University of Eastern Finland Faculty of Science and Forestry, Joensuu Science Park Länsikatu 15 (P.O. Box 111)
FI-80101 Joensuu
Tero Mononen, Analyst Programmer
IPT mailing list

Digitisation Centre of the Finnish Museum of Natural History and the University of Eastern Finland Faculty of Science and Forestry, Joensuu Science Park Länsikatu 15 (P.O. Box 111)
FI-80101 Joensuu
Tero Mononen, Analyst Programmer
IPT mailing list