Dear IPT users, The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to announce that a new release of the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT v2.0.3) is now available for download here. The IPT version 2.0.3 addresses 76 reported issues from the previous version, and includes translations into French and Spanish. We’d like to give special thanks to all the volunteer translators for their time and efforts: (French translators) Nicolas Noe, Louis Reymondin, and Michael Akbaraly (Spanish translators) Daniel Amariles, Angela M. Suarez, Pere Roca Ristol, Arturo H. Ariño, and Héctor Fabio Tobón R. Another special mention is owed to Peter Desmet who has spent time simplifying how to customize the style of the IPT, as explained in his article Customizing the IPT. We would like to recommend that users of previous versions update to benefit from this new functionality and bug fixing. Updating an IPT 2.0.x installation involves the following steps: 1. Replace the previous .war file with the latest edition 2. Backup the existing data directory 3. Reuse the existing data directory during setup 4. Press the “Publish all resources” button on the Administration page after initial setup is complete (this may take some time depending on the size and number of resources your IPT hosts) New users should follow the installation guidelines in the IPT User Manual that has been updated for this version. Thank you once again for all your help in testing and contributing to the IPT! With best regards, Kyle, on behalf of the IPT development team and the GBIF Secretariat