Dear Lyubo,

I'll provide a little background before answering your question.

The IPT is an installable software tool that allows users to author metadata, map databases or uploaded text files to the Darwin Core standard, install extensions and vocabularies to allow for richer content and ultimately register datasets for publication and sharing through GBIF.  
At the GBIF secretariat we run a demonstration installation for evaluation purposes only, and no content ever goes onto the GBIF network through that installation.  Periodically all content is deleted.  IPT operators undertake the responsibility of running an internet server which should be maintained - e.g. it should remain online and be addressable.  We have added, and with Pensoft are in the process of testing, the rich text format (RTF) output format to the IPT so that any dataset descriptive data (e.g. metadata) can be downloaded from any IPT (version 2.0.2+) and then go through the journal peer review process.  

Therefore users have the following options, and I hope this answers your question:

a) Install and run an  IPT, registering it with GBIF
b) Use an account on the installation (seems offline now though?)
c) Approach an existing IPT operator and seek to host data through them

Users will not use the GBIF installation other than for demonstration purposes as we do not host content at the secretariat.

This of course is following the 2.0.2 release, which is still being tested.

I hope this helps.  Best wishes,

On Apr 26, 2011, at 4:04 PM, wrote:

 Dear Tim,

In our Data Publishing Guidelines we intend to point out as a venue for our authors to upload their
datasets. Will there be a possibility to register/login in each locally
installed IPT individually?  Or, the user should register/login to the
GBIF IPT and then use that account?

The background of my question is: what kind of instruction in this
respect should we address  to our authors who want to publish data
through IPT?

Best regards,

Dr Lyubomir Penev
Managing Director
Pensoft Publishers
13a Geo Milev Street
1111 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel +359-2-8704281
Fax +359-2-8704282

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