Dear all, Although I could successfully register datasets with GBIF until recently, I get a "Registration of resource failed!" message now. Similarly I tried to re-publish a number of resources after applying a small edit to the mapping and am getting a "Error publishing resource: Bad registry response" message. As we are still on version 2.0.3, I was wondering whether this may be the reason (and we urgently need to update) or if these error messages mean something else. Thanks a lot for your help! With best regards, -- Aaike De Wever BioFresh Science Officer Operational Directorate Natural Environments Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels Belgium tel.: +32(0)2 627 43 90 mobile.: +32(0)486 28 05 93 email: <aaike.dewever@naturalsciences.be> skype: aaikew LinkedIn: <http://be.linkedin.com/in/aaikedewever> BioFresh: <http://www.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/> and <http://data.freshwaterbiodiversity.eu/>