Hola Aurelio, I am CC'ing a few people who I believe will be interested to know that you are investigating a Darwin Core Archive extension for species profiles using Plinian Core. I believe this work will be of interest to both GBIF and EOL as there has been a lot of thought and effort invested in the Plinian Core vocabulary, and seeing this potentially materialize as an extension for use in the GBIF IPT and other tools that support the Darwin Core Archive is an exciting evolution. The work I attach was by David Remsen primarily, who started this with the interests of GBIF and EOL in mind. We look forward to hearing about your findings, and especially where we can be of assistance! Best wishes, Tim On May 16, 2011, at 4:16 PM, Aurelio Sanabria wrote:
2011/5/16 Tim Robertson (GBIF) <trobertson@gbif.org>:
Are you planning to investigate a DwC-A extensions for the Plinian core based application schemas by any chance?
yes, indeed.
If so, we have already done some work in this area which I can share with you.
That would be awesome!
-- Best regards, Aurelio Sanabria http://informatics.inbio.ac.cr