David, maybe Im too late in this game and its all set by now. But if I understand your intention correctly and you simply want to copy a resource configuration (all the metadata, the sql sources, the uploaded files and the entire mapping incl value translation) you should be able to do that by simply copying the resource specific configuration folder in your datadir. This should NOT be done for already registered resources and its not an officially supported feature, but all information needed for a resource is in such a folder IPT_DATA_DIR/resources/YOU_RESOURCE_NAME Make sure your target IPT data dir has the same extensions and users installed. We have an enhancement issue logged for a future version to officially support this feature at some stage via the IPT interface: http://code.google.com/p/gbif-providertoolkit/issues/detail?id=538 thanks. Markus On Jan 25, 2011, at 21:30, Herbario SANT wrote:
Thanks a lot for your replies, Tim and John.
John, with "you don't actually have to redo the source data mappings or metadata if you create a Darwin Core Archive from the original data", you mean an archive containing not only metadata, but also all our database data?
Or perhaps this kind of file may content not a database dump, but a copy of the database type, db server address, db user/password, db fields mapping to DwC and so on?
I am mostly interested in serving herbarium data (preserved specimens). So, are we talking of a small file size (mostly filled in with institution and collection metadata, but not with specimens data) or a huge file (containing a static copy of all our specimen labels)?
Since our data are highly dynamic, the second file will soon be outdated. So I am mostly interested if the first option is possible (a small IPT backup file, not for backing up all our data, just backing up the IPT installation/metadata).
Perhaps there is an example of such a "backup IPT installation archive" I can see somewhere? Or instructions on howto create it
-- David García San León Herbario SANT Facultade de Farmacia - Laboratorio de Botánica Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 15782 - Galicia (Spain) _______________________________________________ IPT mailing list IPT@lists.gbif.org http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/ipt