Dear all, During the previous NODES meeting at GB16 in October, the NODES meeting asked for a development process for the GBIF toolkits. The NODES wanted to develop requirements and request features as input to the GBIF secretariat and other developers for the toolkits. Mihail of DanBIF have helped us to start a group for this purpose at the new GBIF community site. http://elggtest.gbif.org/pg/groups/2678/gbif-tools-advisory-groups/ Here you will find a discussion page for the IPT, HIT and the NPT toolkit as well as for the GBRDS. Feedback to this group is of course welcome also from participants outside of the NODES community. We will share important feedback and suggestions back to this IPT mailing list. With this email I would like to share the IPT feature request from NODES regarding the possibility to group users and datasets at the local IPT installation. Some NODES have asked for the possibility to create a subgroup with users allowed to add datasets to only this group. And a group administrator with permissions to add new users only to this subgroup. There have also been feedback that at least two levels for the subgroups would be valuable (institution top group and department/collection sub group). http://elggtest.gbif.org/pg/pages/view/3959/ best regards Dag Endresen