Dear all, We are using IPT 2.5.1, on a server with Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b11) and tomcat7. In managing a newly created resource, if we navigate to Metadata, section citation, we get the following error: ===== FreeMarker template error (HTML_DEBUG mode; use RETHROW in production!) Java method "org.gbif.ipt.model.Resource.generateResourceCitation(String, String)" threw an exception when invoked on org.gbif.ipt.model.Resource object "Resource ibi_mantodea_01"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace. ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${action.resource.generateResourceCit... [in template "WEB-INF/pages/manage/eml/citations.ftl" at line 14, column 41] ---- Java stack trace (for programmers): ---- freemarker.core._TemplateModelException: [... Exception message was already printed; see it above ...] at freemarker.ext.beans._MethodUtil.newInvocationTemplateModelException(_MethodUtil.java:289) at freemarker.ext.beans._MethodUtil.newInvocationTemplateModelException(_MethodUtil.java:261) at freemarker.ext.beans.OverloadedMethodsModel.exec(OverloadedMethodsModel.java:65) at freemarker.core.MethodCall._eval(MethodCall.java:65) at freemarker.core.Expression.eval(Expression.java:81) ... Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.Calendar.setTime(Calendar.java:1770) at org.gbif.ipt.model.Resource.getPublicationYear(Resource.java:1240) at org.gbif.ipt.model.Resource.generateResourceCitation(Resource.java:1153) at org.gbif.ipt.model.Resource.generateResourceCitation(Resource.java:1113) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor967.invoke(Unknown Source) ===== Could anyone help to sort out how to resolve this problem? Let me know if you need any more information. best, Rui -- ------------------ Rui Figueira Coordenador do Nó Português do GBIF ruifigueira@isa.ulisboa.pt Instituto Superior de Agronomia Herbário Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal Tel. +351 213653165 | Fax. +351 213653195 http://www.gbif.pt http://www.isa.ulisboa.pt