Dear all,


Recent progress:

Five recently launched hosted portals are featured in a news item on



GBIF North America’s regional portal has also since gone live and we gather SANBI-GBIF are soon to follow! Congratulations to all involved.



Final group call- doodle poll:

We would like to invite you to a final group Zoom meeting to close the pilot phase for this work. Please fill in the doodle poll by 22 November to indicate your availability: 



Draft agenda:

  1. Reflections from the GBIF Secretariat on the pilot phase 
  2. Round of reflections from the pilot phase teams: How did your experience of participating in the pilot phase compare with your expectations?
  3. How do we proceed from here? Discussion based on questions below



Questions to consider in preparation for the call: 

If you have succeeded in launching your hosted portal:


If you have not yet launched your hosted portal:


For all: 



Looking forward to connecting with you and reflecting together on what we have learned from the pilot phase. If you are unable to attend the call, we would welcome any input via email.





Dr. Mélianie Raymond
Senior Programme Officer for Node Development
GBIF Secretariat
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel.: +45 35 32 14 96