Dear all,


Thanks for the replies to the doodle poll.


I confirm our next call will be on Thursday 23 June at 14:00-15:30 Copenhagen time (GMT+2).


Please join the meeting on this link:





From: Mélianie Raymond
Sent: 15 June 2022 16:12
Subject: GBIF hosted portals - please indicate your availability for a community call next week


Dear all,


We are happy to have recently opened GBIF’s hosted portals programme. This builds on the success of the pilot phase – so thank you again for all your contributions!


We have already received a few new applications, and we know that work is ongoing for several pilot phase teams.  


We’d like to have a hosted portals community call to catch up on progress and introduce the new teams. From here on, we will aim to hold these community calls about every quarter so that we can stay connected and get inspired by what others are working on.


Please indicate your availability to join the community call using this doodle poll:


I will confirm the preferred time and provide a meeting link at the end of the week.


Draft agenda:


  1. Intro presentation on the progress since the pilot phase last year, and the new hosted portals programme (Melianie)
  2. Round of updates from the teams represented on the call (all)
  3. Presentation of recent work and new collection demo sites (Morten and Tim)


Looking forward to connecting with you all.




Dr. Mélianie Raymond
Senior Programme Officer for Node Development
GBIF Secretariat
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel.: +45 35 32 14 96