Dear all,


Thanks for your input to the doodle poll. I can confirm that our meeting will be on the most popular time: this Thursday 4 March at 14:30-16:00 UTC (=15:30-17:00 Denmark).


Please join the meeting using this link:


1.       We will do a round of updates from each pilot team focusing on:

a.       First impressions of working on your portals

b.       Summary of progress so far

c.       Any barriers you have encountered

d.       Your expected timeline for going live

2.       Morten will provide an update on the plans for the next 6 weeks


We will record the meeting and make the recording available afterwards for those who are unable to attend.


Looking forward to connecting with you all later in the week.





Dr. Mélianie Raymond
Senior Programme Officer for Node Development
GBIF Secretariat
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel.: +45 35 32 14 96