Hi Camila
I've added a functional example to your repo

First we need to configure the sidebar menu. It can be any file and property in the _data folder. As long as the configuration follow the format in this file

Secondly we need to reference that specific sidebar configuration. 

Hope that helps


From: Hosted-Portals <hosted-portals-bounces@lists.gbif.org> on behalf of Camila Andrea Plata Corredor <cplata@humboldt.org.co>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 8:29 PM
To: hosted-portals@lists.gbif.org <hosted-portals@lists.gbif.org>
Subject: [Hosted-Portals] Help to use the documentation layout and the nice left menu
Dear all,

I have been trying to use the documentation layout as seen at the base theme (https://hp-base-theme.gbif-staging.org/layout/documentation), it looks perfect for long and complex documents but I haven't been able to make it work.

I do get the right navigation menu in this and any other layout using toc: true, but not the left navigation menu which is the most interesting feature of this theme. I tried to emulate the .md of the theme (https://github.com/gbif/jekyll-hp-base-theme/edit/master/pages/layout/documentation.md) and played around with several options such as permatlink: , sidebar:, and bringing external docs with the option {% include_relative xxxx.md %} but It did not work. For the available examples, I think that probably the left navigation menu needs to be configured externally.

How can I make proper use of the documentation layout? How can I configure the left navigation menu?

This is the doc in which I'm doing trials: https://github.com/gbif/hp-colombian-biodiversity/blob/master/footer/terminosCondiciones/TerminosCondiciones.md

Thank you in advance

Camila Andrea Plata Corredor
Equipo Coordinador                                                                                   Sistema de Información sobre Biodiversidad de Colombia