27 Aug
27 Aug
Dear GBIF friends in Asia,
We are excited to announce that the Asia regional nodes meeting on 28-29 Aug will be opened online for all the Asian nodes and data publishers and users.
Please see the agenda in details on GBIF event page: https://www.gbif.org/event/2hhuDtozgw6hOHCrqF5fVF/asia-nodes-meeting-2024
If you are interested in joining the meeting, here is the registration link for the meeting on 28-29 August: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvd-irpjksEtReDG5MCzo-k2FJ-vYLs5b...
We look forward to seeing you online this week!
With kind regards, Melissa, and the rest of the Asia Regional Support Team