7 Dec
7 Dec
Hello all, Many of you are aware of ongoing TDWG 2016 conference, this is just to make sure that you know that you can follow TDWG 2016 conference live streamed, or watch the recorded videos here: https://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/_a1130716096/tdwg2016 FYI Next TDWG will take place in early October 2017 in Ottawa, and the will be e.g. an agrobiodiversity data section. We have a very good agrobiodiversity section today, there will be a section on alien and invasive species, and many talks relate to distribution modelling and data use in this or that way. Talks should be online soon http://www.tdwg.org/conference2016, and the recording is available through the Adobe Connect link above. BR Dmitry