I've uploaded the picture and a separate doc for the legend.
I'm happy to help in anyway I can.

Dr. Quentin Groom
(Botany and Information Technology)

Botanic Garden Meise
Domein van Bouchout
B-1860 Meise

Landline; +32 (0) 226 009 20 ext. 364
FAX:      +32 (0) 226 009 45

Skype name: qgroom
Website:    www.botanicgarden.be

On 1 November 2016 at 06:23, Shyama Pagad <s.pagad@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:

Dear Melodie,


I am fine with the timeline…will keep a look-out on November 3rd





Shyama Pagad

Program Officer

IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group

University of Auckland, New Zealand


From: DFFU_IAS [mailto:dffu_ias-bounces@lists.gbif.org] On Behalf Of Melodie McGeoch
Sent: Tuesday, 1 November 2016 1:35 p.m.
To: Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species <dffu_ias@lists.gbif.org>
Subject: [DFFU_IAS] Last steps for final report


Dear Greg, John, Shyama, Varos, Quentin and Dmitry


I am busy working on the final report and appendix documents off line. I plan to upload the next version in the next 2 days for your final comment.


In the mean time I have e-mailed a few of you with specific questions or for areas that still need to be completed.


So the plan is:

3 November - I upload the complete draft for your final comments (hopefully minor)

3-5 November - the team edits/finalises the document online (GDrive)

6 November - I will take the doc offline again, finish it up and send it to Dmitry for the communication team to format.


Let me know if this is k, and e-mail me any additional material or changes that you may have in the mean time.


Quentin, please could you add your Oxalis picture with a legend to the same folder as the logo link that Dmitry sent.


Muchas gracias








On 1 November 2016 at 01:54, Dmitry Schigel <dschigel@gbif.org> wrote:

Hi all,


I have now uploaded the institution logos I got from John to this folder:


Please upload yours directly to this folder (drag and drop files from the original folder to the folder space or folder icon), or e-mail them to me, if this does not work.


I hope we can fix the remaining outstanding issues soon and close the content so I can give to GBIF Communications for formatting and copy editing.

Once done, you would have a chance to go through the formatted text and a slide doc (it helps to see the familiar text in a new packaging) before is published online and the GBIF news channels start advertising it. We need to remember to send it to all survey respondents. There is a chance to silently fix minor bugs also after the online publication, but I hope we won’t use this opportunity too much.


To ease the life for readers, I suggest the appendices will come in reverse order – this way we can make the main, narrative report plus table (currently appendix B) come together, and then a slide doc will be a separate file.




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Melodie A. McGeoch


Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton Campus (Address:18 Innovation Walk (Building 17), Rm 121), Melbourne, Victoria 3800, Australia. Tel: +61 3 99020464, Mobile: +61 (0) 499 954180, E-mail: melodie.mcgeoch@monash.eduISI Researcher ID F-8353-2011, Research Group website: http://melodiemcgeoch.com/


ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3388-2241



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