Hello group, Melodie requested the survey status update, I reply to all as you might like to take action. 38 people responded (IASSurvey), including 26 people in total from the spreadsheet have answered so far from your 60+ invited experts, see column K in our tracking table [1]. All the rest in the table did not react, and I appreciate you remind your few experts about the importance of their input. As you remember, we will open the survey to broader audience in early Sep. It would great to tidy up the responses from the “power users”. In addition, 10 people, who weren’t on the target list of power users have answered (NonExperts, the ones not in yellow). [1] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Byyg7vYAqPoWCdkI_wU6PLsycQw6nq4J4ZSx... Dmitry