Hello, Here comes a useful link, the report includes a section on almost 5K IA plant species, via Siro Masinde. Is it ok I am sending links and refs like that? They can easily get lost and forgotten, and I'd like to make sure you have all possible latest resources. Many thanks. Best regards, Dmitry Schigel From: Siro Masinde Sent: 23 May 2016 13:46 To: participation Cc: Donald Hobern; Tim Robertson Subject: State of the world's plants Dear all, This may be of interest to you if you have not seen it already: https://stateoftheworldsplants.com/ An 84 page synthesis of data and information on the state of the worlds plants; but also very well summarised with interactive graphics on the cover webpage. GBIF is cited as a useful data resource in carrying out global extinction risk and threat assessments. There is also a chapter on invasive alien plant species. Siro