Greetings Dmitry and all,


Thanks for this very useful information doc.


I went through the task list-


Re Pathways Task #10–I have attached the CBD information doc which I thought would be useful for this task


Re Web Services Task #13- Dmitry I think I would need your help on this to understand where I can get info on what web services are currently offered by GBIF -so we can think of enhancing this for our IAS stakeholders. I think this will be better completed in Melbourne after our discussion on pathways and impacts.




Shyama Pagad

Program Officer

IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group

University of Auckland, New Zealand


From: DFFU_IAS [] On Behalf Of Dmitry Schigel
Sent: Tuesday, 4 October 2016 6:43 a.m.
To: Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species <>
Subject: [FORGED] [DFFU_IAS] Arrival instructions for Melbourne, agenda


Hello group,


Here comes the information package for the Melbourne meeting, including information on logistics, check-in, agenda and tasks. Kindly check the attached carefully before you leave and feel free to be back to me if you have any questions.


Melodie adds that if anyone is uncertain about their tasks they should contact her, and if anyone wants to volunteer for some tasks that don't have leads please let her know, too.


Contact details of Melodie and Gillis are in the attached, those include mobile phone numbers for urgent contact situations. My contact details did not change and are repeated below.


Happy homework time and safe travels,


Best regards,


Dmitry Schigel, PhD

Programme Officer for Content Analysis and Use


Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø



Office                    +45 35 32 14 85

Mobile                  +45 30 45 02 25

