Hi Dmitry,
I will certainly be at the meeting and would like to be involved. I've splurged some words down on your form, feel free to delete or edit them. I'll have a think about what we could do. It would be nice to have a clear outcome(s).
Were you thinking more about teaching or discussing?

Dr. Quentin Groom
(Botany and Information Technology)

Botanic Garden Meise
Domein van Bouchout
B-1860 Meise

Landline; +32 (0) 226 009 20 ext. 364
FAX:      +32 (0) 226 009 45

Skype name: qgroom
Website:    www.botanicgarden.be

On 21 April 2017 at 11:11, Dmitry Schigel <dschigel@gbif.org> wrote:

Dear colleagues,


GBIF will be represented at the British Ecological Society meeting in Gent in December 2017, with the main goal to promote sharing and use of sampling event data [1, 2] . We will also have an exhibition booth.

Most of you know already that BES is an international ecology conference, over 1200 participants are expected.


I will submit a workshop proposal in response to the invitation below. If you or you contacts are coming to BES 2017, and you feel like joining, please add you names and your lines to this Google doc by Wednesday 26 April 10:00 Copenhagen time: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mzsyTWWs8KSF77zMdNn6Ov6ko0PfEG_Mb5l6Hvg7pU/edit?usp=sharing. The working title is Open Data in Ecology.


The form is very short and we can achieve a lot by forming a team of open data enthusiasts and by sharing our ideas in Belgium later this year.

I will take care of the submission.


[1] http://www.gbif.org/publishing-data/summary#datasetclasses

[2] https://demo.gbif.org/dataset/search?type=SAMPLING_EVENT


Finally, as we remain enthusiastic about the idea of ”GBIF ambassadors”, i.e. the GBIF presenters from the network, I appreciate you stay in touch with the Secretariat about your planned talks.

This way we could coordinate the messages on GBIF as a scientific infrastructure, adjust attendance, and also provide you with slides and other materials for the BES and other meetings.


Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Dmitry Schigel, PhD

Scientific Officer

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø



Office                  +45 35 32 14 85

Mobile                +45 30 45 02 25

E-mail                  dschigel@gbif.org

Web                    www.gbif.org






From: Paul Bower <Paul@britishecologicalsociety.org>
Date: Thursday, 20 April 2017 at 17.49
To: Paul Bower <Paul@britishecologicalsociety.org>
Subject: Call for Workshops - Ecology Across Frontiers - Deadline 28 April 2017


Dear Colleagues


Once again thank you for taking part in Ecology Across Borders. I have just been made aware that the call for workshops  can be extended to exhibitors. Full details can be found at:




You would be subject to the same criteria as any other applicant and if successful there would be no charge if you were successful  but you would be expected to cover all costs of staging your workshop. Remember that proposals must be interactive to be considered.  The workshops are part of the main programme and central to the content of the meeting  


Unfortunately the deadline for receipt of proposals is 28 April 2017.  Apologies for the very short notice.


Shortage of available space at the conference means that we are unlikely to be to be able to opportunities to offer paid for workshops to exhibitors. However, there may be opportunities to sponsor academic workshops for €500-1,000 to help workshop organisers opt pay the travel expenses of speakers and facilitators.              


Best regards


Paul Bower

Fundraising and Development Manager

British Ecological Society

Charles Darwin House, 12 Roger Street

London WC1N 2JU

Tel. +44 (0)207 685 2537

Mobile + 44 (0)7711 118388

Established in 1913, we are Europe's largest ecological society with over 4,500 members in 96 countries.  We provide a wide range of services and activities and publish five world class academic journals with high impact ratings. 

Between 11-14 December 2017 we will be hosting Ecology Across Borders in partnership with the ecological societies of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and of the Netherlands and Flanders and in association with the European Ecological Federation.  1,200 ecologists – many of them world leaders in their field - from over 60 countries will converge on the ACC in the historic medieval city of Ghent for what promises to be a major event in the global ecological calendar.    

We have a limited number of exhibition advertising and sponsorship  packages available which are likely to sell out quickly.  If your organisation wants to reach the global ecological community at Ecology Across Borders please visit our website  www.ecology2017.info. or give me a call.


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Our vision: a world inspired, informed and influenced by ecology. Our mission: to generate, communicate and promote ecological knowledge and solutions

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