Dear all,


I am writing to follow up on Dmitry’s e-mail to your all below regarding your travel to the task group meeting in Leipzig on 9-11 July 2016.


The meeting will take place in the following meeting room at iDiv:


Meeting room “Red Queen”

German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

2nd floor

Deutscher Platz 5E

04103 Leipzig



You can find directions on how to reach the centre at:


Further information for the meeting will be sent to you closer to the meeting date.


If you have not already submitted your travel authorisation form to GBIF for our approval of costs, please do so as soon as possible. I attach the GBIF travel guidelines and travel authorisation form which Dmitry also referred to in the e-mail below.


I look forward to receiving your completed forms.


With best regards


Susanne Sheldon



Susanne Sheldon

HR Manager

GBIF Secretariat

Universitetsparken 15

2100 Copenhagen


Phone: +45-35321470

Direct phone: +45-35321490

Fax: +45-35321480





From: Dmitry Schigel
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 1:01 PM
To: Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species
Cc: Marlene Dalsgaard Nielsen; Anne Mette Nielsen; Susanne Sheldon
Subject: Action time for the GBIF task group members: send your travel authorisarion forms asap.
Importance: High


Dear all,


Apologies for the delay in my replies caused by my travels.


Thanks to collaborative support from GEO BON, our task group meeting in Leipzig will be considered a closed satellite event for the GEO BON conference and will take place at iDIV. Technically, it means that we will have the room for the meeting and now you need to send your travel authorization form to GBIF. iDiv will send more info re: logistics to me later.


Please carefully read the GBIF travel guidelines:

The procedure is that you 1) send the travel authorization form to GBIF, as described in the guidelines 2) get confirmation from GBIF (note today is public holiday in Denmark, so you will have a reply next week), 3) buy your ticket 4) claim travel refund after the meeting as described in the guidelines.


We have agreed that meeting is on 9-11 July, so our official travel dates are 8 and 12 July. You can also try to arrive on 9 July morning or leave on 11 July in the evening if that is preferred by you. Note, if you plan to come before the 8th and leave after 12th, GBIF will  reimburse the costs of the ticket up to the price of the travel on original travel dates – so you need to know this price anyway, and the hotel is refunded for 8-12 July.


Please send you travel forms to cc me, and after you get confirmations and buy tickets, I would also like to have flight numbers, dates and times of your plane tickets copied to me when you have those.



Previously I stayed and plan to stay at, maybe it would be nice to be together.

If this won’t work, and since we are the satellite event to GEO BON, we can use their hotels and the booking code, and Melodie is planning to stay in one of those, so we can, too when we know what is it. Let’s do the hotel booking after you have tickets.


Best regards,


Dmitry Schigel, PhD

Programme Officer for Content Analysis and Use


Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø



T   +45 35 32 14 85

G  +45 30 45 02 25