Hi Shyama,


Hope the Congress has been productive with enough IAS focus?


Here are the links for you:


1.      Invitation to survey, page at GBIF.org: http://www.gbif.org/newsroom/news/invasive-alien-species-surveys-open

2.      Direct link to survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SD7TFBF

3.      Just in case, a ID calls for proposals from the Caribbean and the Pacific: http://www.gbif.org/newsroom/news/bid-caribbean-pacific-call-for-proposals


Meanwhile, we are at 150 responses.


Many thanks.


Best regards,

Dmitry Schigel


From: DFFU_IAS [mailto:dffu_ias-bounces@lists.gbif.org] On Behalf Of Shyama Pagad
Sent: 08 September 2016 07:55
To: Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species
Cc: Kyle Copas; Tim Hirsch; Daniel Noesgaard
Subject: Re: [DFFU_IAS] IAS survey update


That is great Dmitry, we put it out on our list and Facebook page when you sent us the link





Shyama Pagad

Program Officer

IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group

University of Auckland, New Zealand


From: DFFU_IAS [mailto:dffu_ias-bounces@lists.gbif.org] On Behalf Of Dmitry Schigel
Sent: Wednesday, 7 September 2016 7:18 p.m.
To: Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species <dffu_ias@lists.gbif.org>
Cc: Kyle Copas <kcopas@gbif.org>; Tim Hirsch <thirsch@gbif.org>; Daniel Noesgaard <dnoesgaard@gbif.org>
Subject: [FORGED] [DFFU_IAS] IAS survey update


Hello group,

GBIF Communications,


I’d like to share good news that after many “power users” completed the survey just before the deadline, were are getting more replies after the news was shared through the GBIF communication channels, thanks Kyle, Daniel and Tim!


The news http://www.gbif.org/newsroom/news/invasive-alien-species-surveys-open is currently a featured one at GBIF.org.

The survey will be closed in 24 days.






Dmitry Schigel, PhD

Programme Officer for Content Analysis and Use


Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø



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