
I have muesli and fruit here for breakfast --- enough to share--- if you care for this as breakfast.  I'm in room 211.


On Oct 10, 2016, at 2:00 AM, Dmitry Schigel <> wrote:

Hi all,


I just arrived to Quest and hope we all are here or on the way. I see there is a bus from G Waverley at 9:23 tomorrow morning. Shall we meet at the stop of bus 737 there, at the station at about 9:15? I probably start walking form Quest at around 8:30, I understood that there is some shopping center with breakfast options on the way, I plan to have a quick bite there.


Note, that you need to have your Myki card ready before you go to the bus = before we meet at the bus stop. Because I am leaving on Sat, I just got a week long pass (39 AUD), but you might like to load money -  I was told that single ride is 4 AUD, so load accordingly. I found it easier to get the card from Seven Eleven, from a human being.


Google suggest that there is a faster connection by 742, but tomorrow on day 1, I will probably just follow the instructions.


I’ve a local SIM card, my number in AU is +61 (0) 415 253 830.


See you later today.



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