Greetings all

Thank you for the constructive discussion via skype yesterday. 

I have updated the 'Tasks' document (link below) based on our discussion. As soon as Dmitry and I have discussed this with Varos and Greg and we have their input, I will merge the 2 tables, collate the points and include an agenda for the Melbourne meeting. 

Please take a look and comment/edit as necessary

Tasks from Leipzig to Melbourne_Revised Sept

All the best

Melodie A. McGeoch
Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton Campus (Bld 18, Innovation Walk, Rm 121), Melbourne, Victoria 3800, Australia. Tel: +61 3 99020464, Mobile: +61 (0) 499 954180, E-mail:, ISI Researcher ID F-8353-2011, Research Group website: