Hello group, As agreed, I will prepare a list of suggested literature extracting the list from the survey (when closed, we now have 191 answers, last reminder on 28 Sep) for you and someone here will check the refs against our current collection. This is to remind you that we do have a Mendeley library of the GBIF-tracked literature. Currently we have 353 papers tagged "invasives", 456 with search hits for "invasive" and 154 with hits for "alien", some of the papers are based on GBIF published data. This is not on the task list, and maybe there is not much time left for this, but just to let you know that it might be useful for you to do some sort of screening of the past studies (methods? criticism?), one may think that these papers are a survey in itself - but of real data uses, not only the needs claimed in the survey. There are a couple of ways you can access and explore the GBIF collection of IAS papers. 1. You install & open Mendeley desktop [1] (I very much prefer desktop over web version) and open GBIF public library there [2]. Using tags such as "invasives" or searching for "invasiv" etc. you would be able to narrow 3000+ reference to a useable subset of a several tens. 2. I can export those subsets and e-mail for you, the export formats are .bib, .ris and .xml (EndNote friendly). The example of the latter if opened in Excel is attached. 3. In any case, 1 or 2, you can use your institutional access to full text versions. After the group is dismissed you might like to use the outcome for some sort of review paper on data use in IAS? [1] https://www.mendeley.com/download-mendeley-desktop/ [2] http://www.mendeley.com/groups/1068301/gbif-public-library/ Dmitry