Hello GBIF task groups past and present,


Thanks for your valuable inputs toward stronger science relevance of GBIF. I am happy to let you know that this work line will get stronger: the GBIF Secretariat is recruiting two Programme Officers for Science Support https://www.gbif.org/news/43O2JkDh0aunuij4LBZ90b, deadline 18 April.

I would appreciate if could take a look and inform potential and suitable candidates. Note that a non-trivial combination of science x data x project management skills is required, so focused, targeted e-mails are preferred; GBIF Secretariat will do the broad promotion anyway.


In case you prefer channels other than e-mail:


Twitter                 https://twitter.com/GBIF/status/1501565955826139140

LinkedIn               https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gbif_gbif-secretariat-is-recruiting-two-programme-activity-6907629237805977601-YHlL

Facebook             https://www.facebook.com/gbifnews/posts/4852753428093502


Thank you in advance.

Best regards,




Dmitry Schigel, PhD

Scientific Officer

GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø



Office                  +45 35 32 14 85

Mobile                +45 30 45 02 25

E-mail                  dschigel@gbif.org

Zoom                   https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/my/dschigel

Web                     www.gbif.org

GBIF Secretariat is recruiting two Programme Officers for Science Support

DNA derived evidence in GBIF https://bit.ly/dnagbif

Biodiversity data for research and policy on human diseases http://bit.ly/gbifvectors

Join GBIF Biodiversity Open Data Ambassadors http://bit.ly/bodamba
Northern Eurasia: GBIF progress in the Cyrillic world http://bit.ly/cyrril
GBIF enabled research http://bit.ly/gbifsci