Dear Quentin, Varos, Shyama, Greg, John and Dmitry I hope your travel home was smooth. Thank you very much once again to all of you for the valuable and very enjoyable discussion in Leipzig. Dmitry will be following up on some of the matters arising, but a few items from me: 1. I have drafted an *Interim Report*. Please could you have a look, add/edit by the *30th June*. It is placed in the folder called 'Reports': https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UjnMzPwIS4RgK_X2GnrSYidllaEmNtDvWjonAzUM... 2. Some photos from the meeting have been uploaded onto the drive - you are welcome to add any that you have. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_uojZ1Ob6CzZVA4eGdsTlhkNWc 3. I have created a file called *Tasks from Leipzig* in the main folder as a quick reference for convenience - this will also appear in the minutes of the Leipzig meeting. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DaaT70IlW6sh0ARt4oUpHVsrU1zdbF6ic9czRruc5w... 4. The file '*Report Topics*' remains under development as we all worked on it from Leipzig, including the lists of recommendations. Please use this document to continue to add content as your tasks/projects develop. Alternatively, if you prefer to create your own doc and to work offline, just add a note to the Report Topics doc in the relevant spot so that we all know which sections you are working on. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jkDmlsCcvJdJOSLl42nV6ncLM38KEapndxy2gPZwIg... The structure of the Google Drive should be self explanatory now with folders for the Survey, Reports, Meetings, Photos, Other Resources, Publications and an "Archives' for any older versions of documents. Many thanks All the best Melodie -- Melodie A. McGeoch Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton Campus (Bld 18, Innovation Walk, Rm 121), Melbourne, Victoria 3800, Australia. Tel: +61 3 99020464, Mobile: +61 (0) 499 954180, E-mail: melodie.mcgeoch@monash.edu, ISI Researcher ID F-8353-2011, Research Group website: http://melodiemcgeoch.com/ *ORCID *http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3388-2241