Dear Melodie,



I just briefly checked with Donald the GBIF’s future plans re: GEO BON, and he confirmed that GBIF will keep supporting GEO BON activities. I am therefore happy to be listed.


Dmitry Schigel


From: DFFU_IAS [] On Behalf Of Melodie McGeoch
Sent: 16 November 2016 11:34
To: Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Research on Invasive Alien Species


Dear Greg, John, Shyama, Varos, Quentin and Dmitry


I have discussed GEO BONs activities with some of you. I have taken the liberty of listing our 'gap analysis' project - to be led by Greg - as a project under GEOBON's activities on developing the Species Distributions EBV (SD_EBV) -- there is a specific invasions activity that forms part the work of this group.


The only implications of listing the project here is that everyone knows we are doing the work, we can benefit by the networks and links involved and take advantage/piggy back on GEO BON meetings etc (we will acknowledge them too). In this way we are aligning our work with the greater cause. Quentin, Dmitry and Donald are already involved with GEO BON - as is GBIF. Once the work is done, we also get to distribute via GEO BON channels.


The doc hasn't been circulated yet, so let me know if you have any concerns. I have also added you to the Species Populations/SD_EBV mailing list so that you will receive a copy of the relevant document, provide input and become part of the community. PLEASE let me know if you would prefer me to take your name off the list - we can do so at any point. 


Many thanks





Melodie A. McGeoch


Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Clayton Campus (Address:18 Innovation Walk (Building 17), Rm 121), Melbourne, Victoria 3800, Australia. Tel: +61 3 99020464, Mobile: +61 (0) 499 954180, E-mail:, ISI Researcher ID F-8353-2011, Research Group website: