Dear all, we have changed the React portal components for ChecklistBank and would ask every user of these to update their dependency. There are some small changes to the Tree API coming up by the end of the week that will potentially break older tree browser components. Instead of a fixed version we recommend to refer to the latest release so the components stay up to date as we do future releases: <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/CatalogueOfLife/portal-components@latest/umd/col..." ></script> See here for more details on how to use them: https://github.com/CatalogueOfLife/portal-components/blob/master/README.md#u... Thanks, Markus PS: All GBIF hosted portal will be updated by us. -- Markus Döring GBIF & Catalogue of Life Tech Lead ChecklistBank m.doering@gbif.org https://www.checklistbank.org https://www.catalogueoflife.org