Dear list, I'm developing a national "datawarehouse"/repository for natural history observation/occurrence data integrating several sources including GBIF and iNaturalist. For this purpose I'm generating lists of names and taxa related to the different ingested observation sources. In order to offer unified taxon search and filter functionality, I need equivalence mappings between ID-namespaces of different checklists (GBIF, CoL, internal, ornitho.lu, etc). I noticed that the CLB API offers the call `/dataset/{key}/nameusage/{id}/related` which for key=3LR and datasetKey=139831 [iNat] returns a correspondence. Where does the data for this mapping come from? Examining both the CoL and iNat checklists NameRelation.tsv (from the CoLDP downloads) didn't give a match. Is this data imported into CLB though a different checklist or is it supplemented though some more hidden datasource? The ID-namespace translation does not seem to be universally implemented and seems somehow tied to the dataset (translation from iNat to CoL didn't seem to work), is this correct? Do you plan on supporting my use-case more explicitly in the future? I would prefer not to use the CLB API and instead import the relevant checklists into our postgresql database in order to allow for an efficient and flexible operation. Thanks for the great work that went into CLB and related projects! Best regards, -- Raffael Mancini IT administrator and developer Service d'information digital sur le patrimoine naturel (SIDPNAT) Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle Luxembourg T: +352 247 66667 - https://mnhn.lu