Dear COL users, we are happy to announce that we have published the annual release 2023 of the Catalogue of Life Checklist: https://www.catalogueoflife.org/2023/06/27/release Different to monthly releases this annual release will never be deleted and is recommended for long term use. As always you can also access the release in ChecklistBank: https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/9910/about If you want to access the release through the API you can also use "COL2023" instead of its integer dataset key 9910: https://api.checklistbank.org/dataset/COL2023.json Best wishes, Markus -- Markus Döring Taxonomy Developer for GBIF & Catalogue of Life mdoering@gbif.org +++ COL RESOURCES +++ COL Portal: https://www.catalogueoflife.org/ Checklist Bank: https://www.checklistbank.org/ Checklist Bank API: https://api.checklistbank.org/