FW: Now inviting applications for 2019 biodiversity information grants
Dear BID community,
JRS Biodiversity Foundation is now accepting applications: Request for proposals for Freshwater and Pollinator Biodiversity Informatics for Africa. Please see below additional information.
With Best Regards
------ Maheva Bagard Laursen BID coordination team GBIF Secretariat email: bid@gbif.orgmailto:bid@gbif.org T: +45 35 32 14 70 F: +45 35 32 14 80 ________________________________
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December 2018
Now Accepting Applications: Request For Proposals for Freshwater and Pollinator Biodiversity Informatics for Africa
The scope and guidelineshttps://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=1c278915a3&e=5bb51a5ac0 for the request are now available on the JRS website. The online application portal, forms, and supporting resources are all available at the Application Instructionshttps://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=3a0c1f3382&e=5bb51a5ac0 and on the Application Portalhttps://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=454f39f059&e=5bb51a5ac0.
Four Ways to Welcome Your Inquiries.
1. Within our grant application form, you may submit ideas and request in-process feedback. 2. You may use an online form at our website to submit ideas and questions at Funding Inquiries.https://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=e10cb4f511&e=5bb51a5ac0 3. You may submit questions at 2019 RFP Frequently Asked Questionshttps://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=cd0a48ca96&e=5bb51a5ac0 4. You may email directly to JRSRFP@jrsbiodiversity.orgmailto:JRSRFP@jrsbiodiversity.org.
JRS is proud to announce these new grant awards to increase access to biodiversity data.
2018 Grant Award
ARCOS to lead ecological assessments of Rwanda's wetlands
JRS announces a US$ 250,000 grant award to Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) to use ecological integrity assessments to evaluate wetlands in Rwanda. READ MORE >https://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=50e2e824c2&e=5bb51a5ac0
2018 Grant Award
New planning grant to design a freshwater information system for Rwanda
JRS announces a US$ 64,500 grant to the Center of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management at the University of Rwanda to plan a freshwater biodiversity information system for Rwanda. READ MORE >https://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=df26a9fce2&e=5bb51a5ac0
2018 Grant Award
Kenya Biodiversity Atlas
The JRS Biodiversity Foundation announces a grant award of $80,000, to support the development of the Kenya Biodiversity Atlas. The investment supports JRS' Capacity Development program to increase access to biodiversity data and knowledge in sub-Saharan Africa. READ MORE >
Grantee News
New Publication about Invasive Alien Plants now available.
A new open access publication is now availablehttps://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=71708bc7ba&e=5bb51a5ac0 on the assessment and ecological impacts of invasive alien plants. This paper is a result of the JRS funded projecthttps://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=12381ad05f&e=5bb51a5ac0, led by Arne Witt at the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI). https://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=d3cf42d7ca&e=5bb51a5ac0 Read more about invasive plant data here >https://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=9fc5b93120&e=5bb51a5ac0
Grantee News
TRIANA, a Triumph for Colombia
Behind one website, TRIANA, is a story of persistence, dedication, and years of massive effort by the JRS supported project at the National University of Colombia (UNC). READ MORE >https://jrsbdf.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f4299846528bd18079b2aae1&id=47aa6014f0&e=5bb51a5ac0
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