You're Invited! Darwin Core (Quarter) Hour - Extensions in Short - at TDWG 2017

Hi Everyone, Please join us tomorrow for Darwin Core (Quarter) Hour - Extensions in Short! Time Date: 9 AM EDT, 2 PM London, 4 PM Kenya ON Thursday 5 October WHERE: Abstract. In this special Darwin Core Hour webinar we will tackle a topic that annoys some, excites others, and (at times) puzzles the rest of us: Darwin Core Extensions. As existing extensions are being used increasingly by the biodiversity informatics community and as the number of new extensions that are being proposed grows rapidly, it is important to understand what they refer to and why they are becoming so popular within the community. By exploring some examples, we will try to answer the following questions: What are extensions? How do they work? And, under which circumstances would I ever use them? Presenter: Paula Zermoglio Moderators: Holly Little, Dag Endresen, David Bloom DETAILS. At TDWG 2017 Conference on Thursday, the Darwin Core Hour team is presenting a talk "Standards in Action: The Darwin Core Hour" and we hope that you will join us to hear this special edition of Darwin Core Hour and participate in our mini-DwC (Quarter) Hour Extensions in Short. Proceedings of TDWG See you in 24 hours! Deb Paul, et al from TDWG 2017 and the Darwin Core Hour Team -- -- Upcoming iDigBio Events -- Deborah Paul, iDigBio Digitization and Workforce Training Specialist iDigBio -- Steering Committee Member, SPNHC Liaison and Member-At-Large, SYNTHESYS3 Representative Institute for Digital Information, 234 LSB Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 850-644-6366
participants (1)
Deborah Paul