Re: [BID-Community] hird Island Biology conference in July 2019 (8 - 13) on La Réunion

Thanks a lot this is great news. Let’s see who can be present. I am very much tempted, but current health issues makes it uncertain that I can commit to a long travel. Will know begin March only what is possible, also financially. But I am can gladly be associated to abstract submission as well as other colleagues involved. Let me know when something more precise is agreed here, so I can inform the EU officer about this nice progress in the matter. With my best wishes Pat Dr. Patricia Mergen Liaison Officer Royal Museum for Central Africa Botanic Garden Meise Leuvensesteenweg 13 3080 Tervuren - BELGIUM ' +32(0)2 769 5626 •<> •<><> [cid:image001.png@01D4BDFF.71A6E460] [APM] P Before printing, think about the environment From: Mauritius Herbarium [] Sent: mercredi 6 février 2019 05:12 To: Anne-Sophie ARCHAMBEAU Cc: Mergen Patricia; Subject: Re: [BID-Community] hird Island Biology conference in July 2019 (8 - 13) on La Réunion Dear Patricia and Anne Sophie This is a good idea. I am helping with the organisation of the conference - the symposia are already taken but we could organise a session on importance of collections, etc if you have enough people from the BID. In the previous Island Biology in 2016, there were a session with IdigBio that was quite well attended. For those that are think of presenting, please let me know. Another option is the ATBC 2019 in Madagascar two weeks after the Island Biology - but it might be far more subscribed. All the best, Claudia Baider, The Mauritius Herbarium On Thu, 17 Jan 2019 at 18:09, Anne-Sophie ARCHAMBEAU <<>> wrote: Dear Patricia Thanks for the information. Indeed it would be really interesting to present something about BID there. And just to let you know, as La Réunion is a french territory, the UMS Patrinat is in direct link with the regional plateform and they are already quite well organised and GBIF France already connected some data sets from the region. best wishes Anne-Sophie ________________________________ De: "Mergen Patricia" <<>> À:<> Envoyé: Mercredi 16 Janvier 2019 19:21:33 Objet: [BID-Community] hird Island Biology conference in July 2019 (8 - 13) on La Réunion Dear all I was asked by a contact at the European Commission active in their Pacific Island program, to make you aware of this conference The EU would like to encourage participation of our community to this conference to make the participants aware of the conservation of the collections and archives kept in small repositories on the Islands. So that action are taken to mobilse these collections more, to digitize them and make them available. From the site I read that the topics of the Symposia will be decided the 30th of January and there is a deadline the for abstract is 15th of February. I might be good to present some of the GBIF BID grants outcomes there ? All the best Patricia Dr. Patricia Mergen Liaison Officer Royal Museum for Central Africa Botanic Garden Meise Leuvensesteenweg 13 3080 Tervuren - BELGIUM ' +32(0)2 769 5626 •<> •<><><> [cid:168c0f96d204cff311] [APM] P Before printing, think about the environment _______________________________________________ BID-Community mailing list<> _______________________________________________ BID-Community mailing list<>
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Mergen Patricia