FW: Call for Papers: Implications of Globalization for Biodiversity Conservation in Africa
And a second item this morning as well... All best, Kyle ===== Kyle Copas +45 35 32 14 75 | mobile +45 28 75 14 75 | Skype kylecopas GBIF Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark http://www.gbif.org <http://www.gbif.org/> On 25/03/2017, 14.41, "Tuyeni H Mwampamba" <thmwampamba@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Africa Section of the Society for Conservation Biology, we would like to let you know that Dr. Tuyeni Heita Mwampamba and Dr. Jennifer O’Leary are hosting a Special Issue on the “Implications of Globalization for Biodiversity Conservation in Africa”. http://www.mdpi.com/journal/diversity/special_issues/biodiversity_conserva tion_africa
Globalization (a process in which national and regional economies, societies, and cultures become increasingly interconnected through a global network of trade, communication, immigration and transportation) has enabled opportunities to expand and improve conservation efforts in Africa, but it is often accompanied by costs to humans and biodiversity and negative consequences that need to be anticipated, understood, and managed.
We invite conservation scientists and practitioners working in Africa to submit manuscripts that explicitly address the globalization-biodiversity conservation interlinkages in their study and work systems in Africa. We are looking for manuscripts that provide novel and practical insights to current understanding of these interlinkages in marine and terrestrial systems and in the policy domain. Manuscripts about innovative approaches to conservation in a globalized world that demonstrate the application of science are also welcomed.
The Special Issue will be published in the MDPI Journal “Diversity”. All accepted manuscripts will be Open Source. Up to three manuscripts will be selected to receive the Exceptional Paper on Conservation Biology in Africa Award, which consists of a complete fee waiver to publish in this Special Issue.
If you would like to publish in the Special Issue, we encourage you to send us an abstract by the 5th of April 2017 so we can determine its suitability for the Issue. Alternatively, please submit your completed manuscript to the Journal’s website by the 30th of July 2017. All manuscripts will undergo peer review by at least 2 independent reviewers – the final decisions on submitted manuscripts will be based on their reviews and recommendations.
We hope you will be inspired to submit your work to this Special Issue and ask that you distribute this call widely. Best regards,
Dr. Tuyeni Heita Mwampamba, Institute for Ecosystems and Sustainability Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico Dr. Jennifer O’Leary, California Sea Grant & California Polytechnic State University; Guest Editors for Special Issue, Diversity Journal
participants (1)
Kyle Copas