Dear BID Community members,


Tim Hirsch, Kyle Copas and I will join member states and observers from more than 190 countries at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Sharm El Sheikh. It will be great to see some of you there, and we would welcome your help in passing on this information and our email contacts to any of your colleagues who will be attending.


We have a stand in the Biodiversity Innovation and Solutions Fair between 17-22 November, or you can join us at any of following parallel and side events where we’ll be speaking.


Friday, 16 November

Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) Forum


Monday, 19 November
2020 UN International Year of Plant Health and progress on achieving Aichi Target 9
Innovative solutions and technologies for conservation
Showcasing the work of the Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity
Bridging Aichi Targets 5, 11 and 15 with the Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) and the World Atlas of Desertification (WAD)


Tuesday, 20 November
Ensuring effective indicators for the post-2020 biodiversity framework


Wednesday, 21 November
A new alliance for biodiversity knowledge
Improving decisions with biodiversity information: building capacity to link data demand and supply 


Thursday, 22 November
Supporting data management for enhanced implementation and non-monetary benefit-sharing


Monday, 26 November
From biodiversity data to reporting


This information is summarized on the event page on the GBIF website.


Hope to see you there!


Best regards,


Dr. Mélianie Raymond
Senior Programme Officer for Node Development
GBIF Secretariat
Universitetsparken 15
DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel.: +45 35 32 14 96