Dear colleagues My name is Laban Musinguzi from Uganda. I am participating in a BID action to mobilize data. You can see details here: https://www.gbif.org/project/5MKPHm718koog2OYmgqKKI/increasing-capacity-for-.... Thanks Laban Musinguzi www.labanmusinguzi.com On 2018-04-05 13:00, bid-community-request@lists.gbif.org wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. Self Introduction (rowusu-achiaw@conservealliance.org)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2018 02:55:38 -0700 From: rowusu-achiaw@conservealliance.org To: bid-community@lists.gbif.org Subject: [BID-Community] Self Introduction Message-ID: <3280e710ca2647b8ab914ca330d0433e@conservealliance.org> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Dear All,
I am Raymond Owusu-Achiaw from Ghana working with an NGO called Conservation Alliance, Ghana. I am currently the Natural Resource Manager for this NGO. This NGO is involved in Agricultural Commodities Program, Business and Biodiversity Program, Waste and Water Sanitation as well as Research and Biodiversity. I am the representative of the organisation on biodiversity data mobilization for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
Thank you.
Raymond Owusu-Achiaw
Subject: Digest Footer
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End of BID-Community Digest, Vol 19, Issue 3 ********************************************