Dear BID colleagues, GBIF is pleased to announce its call for submission of concept notes for project funding from the Caribbean<https://www.gbif.org/news/1x6rLHzpqkBxSOM1IY7AK5/> through Biodiversity Information for Development<https://www.gbif.org/programme/82243/> (BID), a programme funded by the Directorate-General for International Partnerships<https://ec.europa.eu/international-partnerships/> of the European Union<https://europa.eu/>. (Note that the call is also available in Spanish<https://www.gbif.org/es/news/1x6rLHzpqkBxSOM1IY7AK5/>, French<https://www.gbif.org/fr/news/1x6rLHzpqkBxSOM1IY7AK5/> and Portuguese<https://www.gbif.org/pt/news/1x6rLHzpqkBxSOM1IY7AK5/>.) The BID programme aims to enhance capacity for effective mobilization and use of biodiversity data in support of decision- and policymaking for sustainable development. The total funding assigned to this call is approximately €450,000. Institutions based in eligible countries<https://www.gbif.org/article/y4yos8JwOVccTRuS1kYRD#caribbean> in the Caribbean can prepare concept notes for four grant types and submit them by 26 November 2020 through the GBIF Grants Portal<https://gbif.fluxx.io/>. Following evaluation of the concept notes, GBIF will invite applicants successful in this round to submit a full proposal. The BID programme to date This call aims to build on the impact of BID’s first phase<https://assets.ctfassets.net/uo17ejk9rkwj/7ezmj33g285s8mRb1HTpE/36359b4b635e64f28a6ce3ff2b50fd89/191127-BID-Impact-Summary.pdf>, in which 63 BID-funded projects<https://www.gbif.org/programme/82243/bid-biodiversity-information-for-development#projects> mobilized 535 biodiversity datasets containing more than 1.3 million records relevant to the regions’ priority policy needs<https://downloads.ctfassets.net/uo17ejk9rkwj/4gmZ9Hz9egtxJIuXKlW7SW/003fef24c10c69b730b8c92c4e22f326/191125-BID-Best-Practices.pdf>. The programme's rigorous training and e-learning curricula<https://www.gbif.org/article/2IE7tH4dlcik1BnmniIPAc/> have also helped improve biodiversity data skills and establish regional communities of practice for hundreds of professionals across sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific. The call provides full details on the application timeline and process, general recommendations and eligibility. Please direct your questions to BID@gbif.org<mailto:BID@gbif.org>. Best regards, Kyle ===== Kyle Copas Communications Manager ORCID: 0000-0002-6590-599X<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6590-599X> GBIF Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark +45 35 32 14 75 | mobile +45 28 75 14 75 | Skype kylecopas https://www.gbif.org