Nice to "meet" you Marcia, and welcome to the community! On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 2:12 PM, FORD,Marcia <marcia.creary@uwimona.edu.jm> wrote:
Please allow me to introduce myself.
I am Marcia Creary Ford, Environmental Data Manager at the Caribbean Coastal Data Centre based at the Univerity of the West Indies -Centre for Marine Sciences. I am a marine biologist by training with over 30 years’ experience collecting various types of data, including biodiversity data. I have presented at conferences and written many technical reports on data collected during the course of my work.
As manager of the Caribbean Coastal Data Centre (CCDC), I believe that there is a great need for an organization that can make available coastal and marine biodiversity data and information to various stakeholders (such as government agencies, private consultants, and non-governmental organizations) both locally and regionally. Also, in light of the rapid growth and development taking place within the Jamaican coastal zone, data in support of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and policy decisions are critical to ensuring that sustainable development becomes a reality.
The involvement of the CCDC in the Capacity Building for Biodiversity Data Sharing through the Caribbean Coastal Data Centre, Jamaica project is critical at this time and presents an opportunity for the CCDC and the UWI-CMS to adapt to the changing global environment by making biodiversity data more readily available to those who need it. The project will support the vision of establishing the CCDC as a local, regional and international focal point for data and information on the Jamaican and Caribbean coastal and marine environment.
I am looking forward to participating in and benefiting from the BID Capacity Enhancement Workshop.
*Marcia Creary Ford, MPhil*
*Environmental Data Manager*
*Caribbean Coastal Data Centre*
*Centre for Marine Sciences*
*UWI, Mona Campus*
*Kingston 7, Jamaica WI*
*Work: 876 935 8444 <(876)%20935-8444>, *
*Cell: 876 376 1006 <(876)%20376-1006>*
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