11 Apr
11 Apr
Dear BID colleagues, Please see this recent call from CGIAR Big Data<https://bigdata.cgiar.org/> for the 2019 Inspire Challenge—especially interesting for projects with a focus on agricultural biodiversity: https://mailchi.mp/cgiar/priority-preview-2019-inspire-challenge-launch-7541... If you have questions, check out the FAQ<https://bigdata.cgiar.org/faqs-inspire-challenge/> or get in touch with bigdata@cgiar.org<mailto:bigdata@cgiar.org>. Best regards, Daniel Noesgaard Science Communications Coordinator GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility - Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark E: dnoesgaard@gbif.org<mailto:dnoesgaard@gbif.org> W: www.gbif.org T: +45 35 32 08 74