Hi All, You'll find our Darwin Core Hour album here: https://vimeo.com/album/4407185 And the first recording for Darwin Core Webinar Series #1: https://vimeo.com/idigbio/review/203288520/0d6ebbd70c Also, some things to note: All future recordings for this series will be uploaded to the Vimeo Album. We will include links in announcements and communications. This particular recording has some issues with latency on playback. The Question and Answer section is included, with these flaws. If you are watching for the first time, please: 1. take this *Post Webinar *survey after you watch: https://tinyurl.com/jq8qzsq This keeps iDigBio from requiring registration for webinars - we need the data to report to our funder, NSF. Your participation is much appreciated. 2. submit topics for future Darwin Core Hours via the Darwin Core Input Form: https://tinyurl.com/zja2muz Many kind regards, Deb Paul et al. On 2017-02-08 3:09 AM, Monica wrote:
Hi – we have been promised a canned version through Vimeo!
*From:*KAZIKA KAMOSI [mailto:kamosi1420@gmail.com] *Sent:* Wednesday, February 08, 2017 9:06 AM *To:* David Bloom *Cc:* bid-community@lists.gbif.org; moediwakitso; Dr Mike Murray-Hudson; fmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw; GBIF Training Mail; Deborah Paul *Subject:* Re: [Bid-community] Darwin Core Hour - 7 Feb
Dear, I missed the webinar.. It's not possible to have a link and follow up after ?
Le 7 févr. 2017 19:18, "David Bloom" <dbloom@vertnet.org <mailto:dbloom@vertnet.org>> a écrit :
We have exceeded out capacity for this webinar. If you've got a colleague who is on, please join them or try again in a few minutes, as somebody may have dropped off.
David Bloom VertNet Coordinator/iDigBio Data Mobilization Specialist
Phone: +01 510 859 7773
Email: dbloom@vertnet.org <mailto:dbloom@vertnet.org>
Skype: dabblepop
Hangouts: dbloom@vertnet.org <mailto:dbloom@vertnet.org>
On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 7:07 AM, KAZIKA KAMOSI <kamosi1420@gmail.com <mailto:kamosi1420@gmail.com>> wrote:
Well noted.. Thanks
Le 3 févr. 2017 16:06, "moediwakitso" <moediwakitso@btcmail.co.bw <mailto:moediwakitso@btcmail.co.bw>> a écrit :
Thanks very much Shelley. We look forward to getting the link.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------
From: "James, Shelley" <sjames@flmnh.ufl.edu <mailto:sjames@flmnh.ufl.edu>>
Date: 03/02/2017 16:35 (GMT+02:00)
To: Monica <moediwakitso@btcmail.co.bw <mailto:moediwakitso@btcmail.co.bw>>, bid-community@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community@lists.gbif.org>
Cc: fmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw <mailto:fmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw>, 'Dr Mike Murray-Hudson' <mmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw <mailto:mmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw>>, Deborah Paul <dlpssf@gmail.com <mailto:dlpssf@gmail.com>>
Subject: Darwin Core Hour - 7 Feb
Aloha Monica and BID community!
Thankyou for your interest in the iDigBio Darwin Core Hour and webinars. Yes! We will be recording the webinar, and we can convert it to a downloadable format available from Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/idigbio). We will send a message to the BID community with a link after the webinar on the 7th February.
Please, do reach out to us at info@idigbio.org <mailto:info@idigbio.org> if there are any other iDigBio webinar recordings that you would like to be able to download, and we will do our best to oblige!
Cheers! Shelley
********************* Shelley A James, PhD iDigBio Data Management Coordinator BID Mentor Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida
sjames@flmnh.ufl.edu <mailto:sjames@flmnh.ufl.edu> Phone: 352 273 1592 <tel:%28352%29%20273-1592>
-----Original Message----- From: Bid-community [mailto:bid-community-bounces@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community-bounces@lists.gbif.org>] On Behalf Of Monica Sent: Friday, February 3, 2017 6:31 AM To: bid-community@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community@lists.gbif.org> Cc: fmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw <mailto:fmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw>; 'Dr Mike Murray-Hudson' <mmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw <mailto:mmurray-hudson@ori.ub.bw>> Subject: Re: [Bid-community] Bid-community Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
Thanks, Siro, for this very relevant notification: our challenge here is to be able to participate in webinars when our bandwidth is poor, and in the rainy season. Are the webinars recorded and compressed for download?
Monica Morrison BID Hunting Records Project
-----Original Message----- From: Bid-community [mailto:bid-community-bounces@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community-bounces@lists.gbif.org>] On Behalf Of bid-community-request@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community-request@lists.gbif.org> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 1:00 PM To: bid-community@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community@lists.gbif.org> Subject: Bid-community Digest, Vol 6, Issue 1
Send Bid-community mailing list submissions to bid-community@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community@lists.gbif.org>
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit http://lists.gbif.org/mailman/listinfo/bid-community or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to bid-community-request@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community-request@lists.gbif.org>
You can reach the person managing the list at bid-community-owner@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community-owner@lists.gbif.org>
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Bid-community digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. FW: 1st Darwin Core Hour - 7 February 2017 @ 1 PM EST, 6 PM UTC (Siro Masinde)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 10:08:49 +0000 From: Siro Masinde <smasinde@gbif.org <mailto:smasinde@gbif.org>> To: "bid-community@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community@lists.gbif.org>" <bid-community@lists.gbif.org <mailto:bid-community@lists.gbif.org>> Subject: [Bid-community] FW: 1st Darwin Core Hour - 7 February 2017 @ 1 PM EST, 6 PM UTC Message-ID:
<HE1PR0901MB09223AEA4DEED1A55C6426ABAE4C0@HE1PR0901MB0922.eurprd09.prod.outl ook.com <http://ook.com>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Dear BID Community members, I am forwarding the following iDigBio webinar announcement about Darwin Core standard that should be of interest to you. You can join the webinar next week, Tuesday 7th at 18:00 UTC/GMT. You may also be interested in the following iDigBio resources:
? Overview of upcoming iDigBio events including webinars, check https://www.idigbio.org/calendar or https://www.idigbio.org/outreach-events-sidebar
? Workshops, reports and wikis often with past live recordings, check https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/IDigBio_Workshops
Best wishes, Siro ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Dr Siro Masinde Programme Officer for Content Mobilisation Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Secretariat Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen ?, Denmark Email: smasinde@gbif.org <mailto:smasinde@gbif.org> Skype: siro.masinde Tel: +45 3532 1477 <tel:+45%2035%2032%2014%2077> Mob: +45 30450207 <tel:+45%2030%2045%2002%2007> Fax: +45 2875 1480 <tel:+45%2028%2075%2014%2080> Website: www.gbif.org <http://www.gbif.org><http://www.gbif.org/> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
From: iDigBio listserv [mailto:IDIGBIO-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU <mailto:IDIGBIO-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU>] On Behalf Of Deborah Paul Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 6:30 PM To: IDIGBIO-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU <mailto:IDIGBIO-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU> Subject: 1st Darwin Core Hour - 7 February 2017 @ 1 PM EST, 6 PM UTC
Hello Everyone,
You're invited! To: Darwin Core Hour 7 February 2017 @ 1 PM EST, 6 PM UTC Details: https://www.idigbio.org/content/darwin-core-hour-webinar-series
Got questions? Get answers! For the best Darwin Core Hour experience, add your input here Darwin Core Hour Form https://goo.gl/forms/YCaJ8zjTaW3n6BKr1
Chapter Abstract In this first webinar in the Darwin Core Hour series, the basics of how Darwin Core functions in the biodiversity community as a dynamic standard will be covered. Topics will include what the standard consists of, how to use it, how it can be changed, sources of information, and where to go for help. Presenter: John Wieczorek
Your input: 1) improves Darwin Core documentation (examples, definitions) 2) helps those in the Standards community address gaps and implementation of the standard terms 3) provides a forum for everyone to learn about each others data mapping, data sharing, software needs, standards issues and insights. 4) facilitates higher data quality!
Go here for details: https://www.idigbio.org/content/darwin-core-hour-webinar-series
In anticipation of our 1st Darwin Core (Happy) Hour, Debbie Paul, et al
Webinar series brought to you by the iDigBio Data Management Interest Group (DMI). We welcome input for this series from everyone worldwide. We plan to make this happen 1x month. We use Adobe Connect for our webinars. See https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/Web_Conferencing for hints on best experience (hint: use headsets!)
(please excuse cross-postings)
-- Upcoming iDigBio Events https://www.idigbio.org/calendar
-- Deborah Paul, iDigBio Digitization and Workforce Training Specialist
iDigBio -- Steering Committee Member, SPNHC Liaison, SYNTHESYS3 Representative
Institute for Digital Information, 234 LSB
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306
850-644-6366 <tel:%28850%29%20644-6366>