Hi all, I am trying to download all occurrences inside the CAFF boundary area following a request from the CAFF focal point in Norway. I have converted the polygon to a Well Known Text object for use with the GBIF API. (The WKT polygon looks fine when I test to open in QGIS). http://www.gbif.org/developer/summary#authentication http://www.gbif.org/developer/occurrence#predicates http://www.gbif.org/developer/occurrence#p_geometry My filter.json file is attached and looks like this (the polygon definition is truncated here at (...) for the purpose as example): { "creator":"dag.endresen", "notification_address": ["dag.endresen@gmail.com"], "predicate": { "type":"within", "geometry":"POLYGON((179.285633734761433 50.81429697072722,179.600130309538514 50.798132663162107,180.0 50.825202656741141,-179.985731034706419 50.826168623278733,-179.642658093259286 50.834515997684633,-179.213664117412264 (...) 50.826278190103068,179.014229185979531 50.811745655072343,179.285633734761433 50.81429697072722))" } } Error message: Instantiation of [simple type, class org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.predicate.WithinPredicate] value failed: null (through reference chain: org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.predicate.WithinPredicate["geometry"]) It might possible to download all occurrence data north of 50 degrees (southernmost edge of the CAFF area) - and cut to CAFF area offline. But because this is more than 200 million records, I am very interested to check if it is possible to filter using the CAFF boundary polygon. http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/search?HAS_COORDINATE=true&decimalLatitude=50... Best wishes Dag -- Dag Endresen Node manager for GBIF Norway ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2352-5497

Hi Dag, you seem to be the first person that issues such a large polygon filter. It is actually causing a stackoverflow in our code. I have filed a jira here and hope we can fix it some time soon: http://dev.gbif.org/issues/browse/POR-3042 Best, Markus On 18 Feb 2016, at 14:33, Dag Endresen <dag.endresen@gmail.com<mailto:dag.endresen@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi all, I am trying to download all occurrences inside the CAFF boundary area following a request from the CAFF focal point in Norway. I have converted the polygon to a Well Known Text object for use with the GBIF API. (The WKT polygon looks fine when I test to open in QGIS). http://www.gbif.org/developer/summary#authentication http://www.gbif.org/developer/occurrence#predicates http://www.gbif.org/developer/occurrence#p_geometry My filter.json file is attached and looks like this (the polygon definition is truncated here at (...) for the purpose as example): { "creator":"dag.endresen", "notification_address": ["dag.endresen@gmail.com"], "predicate": { "type":"within", "geometry":"POLYGON((179.285633734761433 50.81429697072722,179.600130309538514 50.798132663162107,180.0 50.825202656741141,-179.985731034706419 50.826168623278733,-179.642658093259286 50.834515997684633,-179.213664117412264 (...) 50.826278190103068,179.014229185979531 50.811745655072343,179.285633734761433 50.81429697072722))" } } Error message: Instantiation of [simple type, class org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.predicate.WithinPredicate] value failed: null (through reference chain: org.gbif.api.model.occurrence.predicate.WithinPredicate["geometry"]) It might possible to download all occurrence data north of 50 degrees (southernmost edge of the CAFF area) - and cut to CAFF area offline. But because this is more than 200 million records, I am very interested to check if it is possible to filter using the CAFF boundary polygon. http://www.gbif.org/occurrence/search?HAS_COORDINATE=true&decimalLatitude=50... Best wishes Dag -- Dag Endresen Node manager for GBIF Norway ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2352-5497 <filter.json><caff_wkt_wgs84.csv>
participants (2)
Dag Endresen
Markus Döring