Markus --- I think the answer to the question: "Would a taxon DOI be a valuable feature for you?" really depends on some of the details.  With a taxon name, you are putting a DOI on a string and one that has been dissociated from its source(s).  I would think more valuable would be a DOI linked to the checklist that contained the name, and maybe a passthrough (a la suffix passthroughs in the EZID system) to the individual name.  That way I can resolve that taxon name to the source from whence it came.  

Best, Rob

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 3:44 AM, Markus Döring <> wrote:
Hello Geoff,

GBIF uses simples integers as taxon identifiers, for example 2396049 for Ecsenius bicolor.
These ids are stable, but obviously not globally unique. If you need a URI right now I would recommend for now to use our restful portal URL:

For the future I could imagine us assigning DOIs to taxa reusing the current integer ids, but that has to be carefully evaluated first.
Would a taxon DOI be a valuable feature for you?


Markus Döring
Software Developer
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)

On 05 Aug 2014, at 05:17, Geoff Shuetrim <> wrote:

> Working with a range of web services, I have found myself making extensive use of the LSIDs that are specific to each data source.  For example, for ITIS, I use the Ecsenius bicolor LSID:
> For WoRMS, the LSID for Ecsenius bicolor is:
> For Atlas of living Australia the LSID for Ecsenius bicolor is:
> Is there a GBIF LSID that can similarly be used as a unique identifier for a taxon? I have come across the various GBIF unique keys but these are not unique outside of the GBIF environment and within the Gaia Guide systems I am deciding how best to work with these, ensuring their uniqueness, alongside identifiers from other data sources.
> Thanks again for your assistance.
> Geoff Shuetrim
> Gaia Guide Association
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