Hi Scott

The explanation is that occurrences come from a different backend system.

There are metrics for occurrence datasets:

But that page stitches together (client side) results from the occurrence metrics api

Check what the browser is doing to see the API calls (it’s ajax).

Most occurrence counts you see scattered around GBIF.org web app are driven from the occurrence metrics API.  It’s very tailored to the GBIF.org site, as those metrics are difficult to track - we needed a very fast numerical system to follow the indexing traffic in real time.

I hope this helps,

On 07 Oct 2014, at 22:38, Scott Chamberlain <myrmecocystus@gmail.com> wrote:


On the dataset metrics page http://www.gbif.org/developer/registry#datasetMetrics you describe that 

The dataset metrics API provides metrics for datasets of type CHECKLIST only.

Curious why this is?

Cheers, Scott
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