Hi all, We've made a small change to the way files are downloaded from GBIF.org. People retrieving GBIF downloads using a web browser will not notice any difference. There will also be no difference for many command line download programs, like "wget". API clients will notice that download links like https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/download/request/0001649-180925134338326.... now return an HTTP 302 redirect to a different location. The client will need to follow the redirect to retrieve the file. Users of "curl" on the command line can add the "-L" argument to follow redirects automatically. The change was necessary to improve stability and performance of api.gbif.org, following the change by Google Chrome to block non-HTTPS downloads. The default for download links is now HTTPS, but files (and all of api.gbif.org) can still be accessed using only HTTP if preferred. Thanks, Matt Blissett