Dear all,

Thank you for your patience during the disruption on 22-23 June.

Some of you will have noticed continued disruption early last week, and a delay on new datasets being registered and indexed.  This had two main causes: on Friday we found that the university network staff do not offer any support after 15:00 or at weekends, and on Monday we overloaded the power supply to one of our new racks.

All systems are now running smoothly.  We have more reliable power and cooling in the datacentre, and a faster (10Gb/s) internet connection.

If you are still experiencing any problems accessing or other services (including, please let us know.

Thank you,

Matt Blissett

PS — the 17 July deadline for the developer job is approaching:

On 14/06/17 22:04, Tim Robertson wrote:
Dear all,

Our apologies in advance, but we expect disruptions in both GBIF and TDWG services next week, Thursday and Friday, 22-23 June 2017.

Partial outages may occur while we relocate the servers for GBIF's and TDWG's systems to a new data centre within the University of Copenhagen.  

During this move, we anticipate that, and the GBIF API will continue to operate on temporary servers, though user account creation, dataset registration and dataset crawling will all be temporarily suspended. The TDWG website and  all TDWG mailing lists are likely to remain offline throughout the outage.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will strive to reduce the disruption and its duration as much as possible.

Best wishes,

API-users mailing list